Alessandra Veronese

Alessandra Veronese is Associate Professor of Medieval and Jewish history at the Dept. of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge. She studied with two prominent medievalists, Cinzio Violante and Michele Luzzati- She earned her Ph. D. by the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, spent one year in Jerusalem with a fellowship of the Israeli Foreign Office, and several years in Germany, both as Humboldt-Stipendiatin and visiting professor. Her research interest focus on the Jewish minority in the MiddleAges, studied by several perspectives: from gender history, to social and economic history, to the history of travels and pilgrimage and that of the Jewish/Christian and Jewish/Moslem Relationships. Among her books: Una famiglia di banchieri ebrei tra XIV e XVI secolo: i Da Volterra. Reti di credito nell’Italia del Rinascimento, Pisa, ETS, 1998; Viaggio in Terra d’Israele, Rimini, Luisè, 1989; A Sion e a Gerusalemme, Firenze, Giuntina, 2003 (with Avraham David); Gli ebrei nel Medioevo, Roma, Jouvance, 2010; Ebrei e giustizia nel Quattrocento. Il caso di Volterra, Pisa, Arnus, 2012.