Alessandra Veronese is Associate Professor of Medieval and Jewish history at the Dept. of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge. She studied with two prominent medievalists, Cinzio Violante and Michele Luzzati- She earned her Ph. D. by the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, spent one year in Jerusalem with a fellowship of the Israeli Foreign Office, and several years in Germany, both as Humboldt-Stipendiatin and visiting professor. Her research interest focus on the Jewish minority in the MiddleAges, studied by several perspectives: from gender history, to social and economic history, to the history of travels and pilgrimage and that of the Jewish/Christian and Jewish/Moslem Relationships. Among her books: Una famiglia di banchieri ebrei tra XIV e XVI secolo: i Da Volterra. Reti di credito nell’Italia del Rinascimento, Pisa, ETS, 1998; Viaggio in Terra d’Israele, Rimini, Luisè, 1989; A Sion e a Gerusalemme, Firenze, Giuntina, 2003 (with Avraham David); Gli ebrei nel Medioevo, Roma, Jouvance, 2010; Ebrei e giustizia nel Quattrocento. Il caso di Volterra, Pisa, Arnus, 2012.