Anna Grillini is a postdoc fellow at the University of Trento. She is working on a research project on propaganda in the Austro-Hungarian Empire during and after the First World War. She has held various fellowships in Trento, Padua and Rome. In 2016 she completed her PhD in Humanistic Studies at the University of Trento, defending a thesis on post-traumatic stress in civilians and soldiers during the Great War, based on the study of medical records between Trento and Innsbruck.
Her primary field of study is the cultural history of the Great War, focusing on the history of medicine. In addition to investigating issues related to post-traumatic stress, she has explored the conditions of mutilated and self-injured veterans of the Italian army in the first decades of the 20th century. She recently completed a two-year research project on the migration routes of the Trentino population between the 19th and 20th centuries.
She has participated in numerous seminars and conferences in Italy and abroad and is the author of numerous scientific essays and a monograph: Anna Grillini, La guerra in testa. Experiences and traumas of civilians, refugees and soldiers in the Pergine Valsugana asylum (1909-1924), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018.