Application and Fees



IPH students pay two different types of contributions:


– IPH Fee € 3,200 (€ 2,000 for students from the Foundation Course of the University of Pisa).

Up to 10 low-income students may qualify for a  2,000 discounted fee: see details below.


 University Taxes. These vary between € 356 (for yearly family incomes below € 23,500) and € 2,556 depending on the country of origin.

IPH fee is due only for the first year. Therefore, in the first year, students pay both the IPH fee the University taxes. Instead, during the second and third year of their Bachelor’s degree programmes, students will continue to pay the University taxes only.

The University taxes will be paid in 4 instalments: the first one in September, the second in February, the third in April and the fourth in May. Details will be provided once students are fully enrolled.

Scholarships provided by the DSU (Regional Agency for the Right to Study) may be available.

Up to 10 students who obtain the DSU scholarship may request the reduced, € 2,000 IPH fee. In the event that the recipients of the DSU scholarship exceed the number of 10, the reduced IPH fee will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis (the date and time of the submission of the application for the DSU scholarship will serve as evidence).

Should you wish to apply for the DSU scholarship, make sure that you get all the necessary legalised documents in due time. Consider that obtaining some of the official records from local authorities, and their translation and legalisation, may require a long time.

IMPORTANT: applying to the DSU Scholarship does not mean per se to be granted one. The student must comply with all deadlines stated on the DSU website, including mailing the original hard copies. After that, the DSU will draw up a waiting list based on the student’s income.

For information about the documents needed, visit this link:

Non-EU Students must obtain a student Visa (Type D). The issuance of the Visa is administered by the Italian diplomatic authorities through the Universitaly portal. IPH staff will provide information on how to open an account at University and upload the documents required after the applicant is admitted to the Programme and receives the necessary pre-acceptance letter.

Payments of the IPH fee must be made by following the procedures reported on our website: