Marco Signori studied Philosophy at the University of Pisa (BA 2015, MA 2017) and the Scuola Normale Superiore, where he also earned his PhD in the History of Medieval Philosophy in 2022. His doctoral dissertation consisted in the first complete English translation, with introduction and commentary, of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġazālī’s Intentions of the Philosophers [Maqāṣid al-falāsifa], an encyclopaedic summa of Peripatetic philosophy. Signori held research positions at IMT School of Advanced Studies in Lucca, focusing on the Arabic-Latin sources of Dante Alighieri’s natural philosophy and on the manuscript tradition of the Maqāṣid in Arabic, Latin, and Hebrew. In the framework of a general interest in the long-lasting, changing history of Aristotelianism, his two main fields of research are Arabic-Islamic philosophy and the Latin reception of Arabic thought, with special reference to key figures such as Avicenna, al-Ġazālī, and Albert the Great. He wrote his BA thesis on Dante’s notions of happiness and the desire for knowledge in the Convivio, and continued studying Dante’s philosophical thought, with special reference to the scientific, Aristotelian underpinnings of the poetic representation of the Commedia.