Sara Pizzimenti

Coordinator of the International Programme in Humanities
Associate Professor
Sara Pizzimenti is an Associate Professor of Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Co-director of the Omani-Italian Archaeological Expedition at Al Tikha (Oman) and Field Director of the Lagash Archaeological Project (Iraq), she is also currently a member of the Iraqi-Italian Archaeological Expedition at East Nineveh (Iraq), where she is responsible for the “Early Nineveh Project”, Read more...
Alessandra Veronese

Introduction to Medieval History
Full Professor
Alessandra Veronese is Associate Professor of Medieval and Jewish history at the Dept. of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge. She studied with two prominent medievalists, Cinzio Violante and Michele Luzzati- She earned her Ph. D. by the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, spent one year in Jerusalem with a fellowship of the Israeli Foreign Office, and several years in Germany, both as Humboldt-Stipendiatin and visiting professor. Read more...
Anna Grillini

Politics and Cultural Practices in Modern History
Post Doc Fellow
Marco Calafati

Introduction to Early Modern Art
Post Doc Fellow
Marco Calafati, graduated in Art History, in 2004, also received his PhD in History of Architecture, in 2008, both from the University of Florence. He held a research grant at The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, carrying out research in The Rare Book Collection from the University of Pennsylvania. Read more...
Livia Giunti

Italian Cinema
Adjunct Professor
Livia Giunti has completed her PhD in History of visual and performing arts at the University of Pisa in 2012 and she is Adjunct Professor of Italian Cinema for the International Programme for Humanities (University of Pisa) and former teacher of Digital Culture at Fondazione Campus (Lucca). She is Academic Tutor Read more...
Leonardo Massantini

Introduction to Philosophy of Mind
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Leonardo Massantini studied Philosophy at the University of Pisa (BA 2015, MA 2017) and at the University of Oslo (Erasmus 2015-2016). He earned his PhD in Philosophy in 2022 from the Universities of Pisa and Florence in cotutelle with the University of Osnabrück (Germany). Read more...
Margherita Facella

Classical Civilization
Associate Professor
Margherita Facella is Associate Professor of Ancient History (Greek History) at the University of Pisa, Italy. She was Visiting Associate Professor at Northwestern University, USA and a Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Since many years she collaborates with the Forschungsstelle Read more...
Serena Trinchero

Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Art
Post Doc Fellow
Serena Trinchero obtained a PhD from Università degli Studi di Firenze, Pisa and Siena in 2020 with a thesis on the role of American art and literature magazines published in Europe in creating international modernism. The research developed in a monography published by Angelo Pontecorboli editore (2020). Read more...
Fiammetta Di Lorenzo

Italian Literature
Adjunct Professor
Fiammetta Di Lorenzo earned a doctoral degree in Italian Modern Literature at the University of Siena (2008). After teaching Italian language and culture in France secondary public schools, she completed a second Ph.D. in Italian and French Studies at Duke University (2019). She worked on female authors Read more...
Chiara Ombretta Tommasi

Classical Civilization
Associate Professor
Chiara Ombretta Tommasi (Rome, 1973). After graduating from the University of Pisa and the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa (1995), she obtained a PhD in Greek and Latin Philology at the University of Pisa (2000). Subsequently, she was a Post-doctoral Fellow in Latin Literature at the same university Read more...
Nicola Giaccone

Introduction to Greek Art and Archaeology
Post Doc Fellow
Nicola Giaccone obtained a PhD in Archaeology at the University of Pisa. He has taken part in many excavations in Calabria and Sicily, focusing his interests on Greek architecture and Greek archaeology, with particular attention to Magna Graecia and Sicily. Read more...
Linda Bertelli

Associate Professor
Linda Bertelli is an Associate Professor in Aesthetics at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy). Her research concerns the theory of the image, the history of photography between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and the history of feminist movements in Italy in the second half of the twentieth century. Read more...
Marco Signori

Introduction to Medieval Philosophy
Post Doc Fellow
Marco Signori studied Philosophy at the University of Pisa (BA 2015, MA 2017) and the Scuola Normale Superiore, where he also earned his PhD in the History of Medieval Philosophy in 2022. His doctoral dissertation consisted in the first complete English translation, with introduction and commentary, of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġazālī’s Intentions of the Philosophers [Maqāṣid al-falāsifa], Read more...
Silvia Bruti

English Linguistics
Full Professor
Silvia Bruti, PhD in English from the University of Pisa, is Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Pisa and Director of the University Language Centre. She also directs the Master in Specialised Translation from English into Italian organised jointly by the Universities Read more...
Annamaria Lossi

Introduction to Aesthetics
Post Doc Fellow
Annamaria Lossi studied in Pisa, Tübingen and Freiburg i.B., received a PhD in Philosophy (Dissertation on Nietzsche and Plato) and a PhD in German Literature (Dissertation on autobiography and philosophical self-narration). She held positions as research fellows in Germany: in Freiburg, Berlin and Stuttgart. Read more...
Marianne Hepp

German Linguistics
Full Professor
Marianne Hepp is Professor of German Linguistics at the University of Pisa, Department of Philology, Literature, Linguistics. Her main research interests are text-linguistic approaches in second and multilingual language acquisition (focusing on English-German comprehension), German morphology Read more...
Francesco Attruia

French Linguistics
Senior Resercher
Francesco Attruia is senior researcher at the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics. In 2013, he obtained a PhD in French Linguistics from the University of Brescia and the Université de Lorraine (France). His research interests include the varieties of French in Canada, lexical semantics, Read more...
Selena Simonatti

Spanish Linguistics
Associate Professor
Selena Simonatti is an Associate Professor of Spanish language and translation. She holds a Ph.D in Romance Philology and Comparative Literature from the University of Torino. Simonatti has written on parody and historical speech in Iberian medieval texts and studied Read more...
Cinzia Cadamagnani

Russian Linguistics
Research Fellow
Cinzia Cadamagnani is Research Fellow in Slavic Studies at the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistic. In December 2012 she defended her PhD dissertation entitled “Boris Isaakovich Jarcho in the Context of Russian Formalism”. The main topic of her research is literary criticism Read more...
Maria De monte

General Linguistics
Adjunct Research Fellow
Anita Paolicchi

Medieval Art History
Research Fellow
Anita Paolicchi is a research fellow at the University of Pisa. She has received her PhD in Art History in 2020 from the University of Florence, with a thesis on reliquaries and tabernacles in the Slav-Byzantine world. Her main area of research is the applied arts, with special attention to Western and Eastern Read more...
Valeria Tocco

Portuguese Linguistics
Full Professor
Valeria Tocco is a Full Professor of Portuguese and Brazilian Literature at the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics of the University of Pisa. Besides contributions to linguistics and translation studies, she has been interested in modern and contemporary literature Read more...
Pina Deffenu

Italian Language Courses Administrator
CLI Didactic Area
Pina Deffenu studied in Pisa at the Faculty of Humanities and has been working at the Language Centre of the University of Pisa since 2001. She has worked as a librarian managing the purchase and organization of bibliographic material, supporting students, researchers and professors in their research Read more...